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Apache Ignite and Kubernetes: Deployment and Orchestration Strategies

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Foundation Course, 2 hours, Free
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This free, two-hour training is for developers, architects, and DevOps engineers who want to deploy and orchestrate Apache Ignite in a Kubernetes environment. You will have the opportunity to follow the trainer in a guided session, beginning with the configuration essentials, as you deploy Ignite and load some data. You will then deploy the Kubernetes dashboard and connect your cluster to GridGain Nebula to simplify the monitoring, management, and troubleshooting of your Kubernetes-based deployment. You will also deploy a client application in different ways to see how applications communicate with Ignite in Kubernetes.

Training Topics

  • Ignite in in-memory mode: basic configuration principles, cluster discovery, auto-scaling, availability zones, and rolling restarts
  • Ignite in multitier database mode (in-memory plus native persistence): storage configuration (data versus WAL), cluster backups, and storage performance monitoring
  • Management and Monitoring with GridGain Nebula.
  • Application deployment and connectivity options: apps and Ignite in K8, apps in K8 but Ignite outside, and Ignite in K8 but apps outside

Required Preparation


  • Docker 19 or later or Docker Desktop Community 2.3 or later
  • Docker Compose 1.25.5 or later
  • Java Developer Kit, version 8 or later
  • Apache Maven 3.0 or later
  • Your favorite IDE, such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or a simple text editor


If you’re new to Ignite, attend the Apache Ignite Essentials course.

Coming Sessions