GridGain Developers Hub

Managing Metadata Programmatically


GridGain enables you to manage metadata (binary types) in your environment via the Java and .NET APIs.

The following operations are supported:

List Metadata for All Binary Types

This operation retrieves metadata for all binary types defined in your environment.

public Collection<BinaryType> types() throws BinaryObjectException;
ICollection<IBinaryType> GetBinaryTypes();

Get Metadata for a Specific Binary Type

This operation retrieves metadata for the binary type indicated by typeId or typeName.

public BinaryType type(int typeId) throws BinaryObjectException;

public BinaryType type(String typeName) throws BinaryObjectException;
IBinaryType GetBinaryType(int typeId);

IBinaryType GetBinaryType(string typeName);

Remove a Binary Type

This operation removes the binary type indicated by typeId.

public void removeType(int typeId) throws IgniteException;
void RemoveBinaryType(int typeId);